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Just Walk!

Hi, hi! Hope everyone is doing well and well today we will be talking about Physical activity more specifically...Walking! I'll circle back to other forms of physical activities on a later day. So to start off with the simplest and most basic form of activity you can do, just go out for a walk. It can be a 5,10, 20, or 30 minute walk and trust me your mind and body will thank you in the long run. it's a simple and great way to just get away from a computer, take in nature, or cool down from a difficult situation. I try to go on a walk at least 2-3 times a week just for relaxation purposes and don't forget to change up the route or scenery every once in a while. Click on the picture below for 10 Benefits you can start reaping from adding a walk to your daily routine.

Have a Great Day!!!

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